There are a lot of different questions that you might be interested in asking whenever business card creation is on your mind, but perhaps the most pertinent inquiry of all would be that of figuring out what the cards should be made of in the first place. You see, business cards can be made out of a wide variety of substances, and it is important to figure out which element would end up working out best for you based on all of the pertinent factors.
Generally speaking, business cards are made out of a material called card stock which basically refers to a thicker version of paper that is more conducive to the creation of long lasting cards. However, you should also consider looking into Metal Business Kards since this type of card is much better capable of withstanding the wear and tear that might have otherwise occurred. The only remaining factor for you to keep in mind is the cost, and this is something that paper stock tends to win out in. After all, paper is considerably cheaper than metal, so if your primary goal here was to make it so that you never have to worry about costs then paper will always be the single best option at your disposal.
That said, the longevity as well as the sleekness of metal cards make them a worthy option for you to at the very least consider. Anyone that wants a card that will elevate the aesthetics of their brand would be really well served by a metal card, and that is something that you should keep at the very frontal region of your brain moving forward.