If you are putting some serious thought into taking yoga teacher training, we would highly suggest that you look into all the options that you have. Again, this is not something that is going to be for everyone. Therefore, you get started, we would urge you to look at your situation and ask yourself if this is what you want. As that will matter a lot in this place.
Once you have made up your mind and are willing to settle, get in touch with us Marianne Wells Yoga Teacher Training and we can talk about what you should be doing and should not be doing. This is, of course, not the same for everyone. But still, a little consideration would not hurt anyone.
Let’s look at the considerations you should make when taking up yoga teacher training.
Why Am I Becoming a Teacher?
Honestly, I would advise you to go as far as asking yourself just why you are becoming a teacher, in the first place. Of course, this is not for everyone and therefore, it is better that it is explored properly but hey, we are looking to make sense of what we are about to do and you cannot make a hurried decision.
What Are The Goals?
One more thing is that you should be focused on the goals that you have. Because let’s be honest, you cannot really do much, to begin with and this is only going to confuse you more if you do not set any goals. I know all of this can be an overwhelming situation for you. Therefore, it is better that you are taking your time going through this so you do not end up making the wrong move.